WormBase ID: WBGene00020368

WormBase description: Is an ortholog of human ERG (ETS transcription factor ERG); FEV (FEV transcription factor, ETS family member); and FLI1 (Fli-1 proto-oncogene, ETS transcription factor). Is predicted to have DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific. Is involved in neuron differentiation; positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II; and regulation of nematode male tail tip morphogenesis. Localizes to nucleus. Is expressed in intestine; neurons; and rectal gland cell. Human ortholog(s) of this gene are implicated in acute myeloid leukemia and craniosynostosis.

KI information: GFP knockin at C-terminus

Reporter verification:Verified by comparing expression pattern to the literature (Schmid et al., 2006)

Strain name: SYS1190

KI background: JIM113

Strain genotype: ujIs113 (pie-1p::mCherry::H2B; nhr-2p::mCherry::his-24::let858 3'UTR; unc-119(+)) II; ast-1 (vlc19 [ast-1::GFP]) II

Expression pattern: Lineage-specific, Tissue-specific (Pharynx and Skin)

Lineage expression pattern

350 stage

600 stage

3D expression pattern













Inferred TF relationships

Based on expression similarity (strong, medium, weak): CEH-45, PAX-1, TTX-3, Y48G1C.6, CEH-16, LIM-7, DMD-5, MLS-2, PHA-4, DVE-1, HAM-2, SOX-2, CES-2, LAG-1, Y75B8A.6, CRH-2

Based on ChIP-seq (directly from ModERN database, targets from L1 stage ChIP-seq data are underlined)

Targeting: no-data

Targeted by: TTX-3, MLS-2, HAM-2, BED-3, CEH-19, CEH-31, CEH-34, CEH-36, CEH-43, CEH-6, CEH-83, CHE-1, CND-1, FKH-10, GMEB-2, HLH-1, HMBX-1, LIN-11, LIN-32, M03D4.4, NFYA-1, PHA-2, SEM-2, SNAI-1, SPTF-1, UNC-42, FKH-8, IRX-1, LSY-2, TBX-2, UNC-86

Based on reannotated ChIP-seq (peaks are assigned to a target if it is located within 2 kb relative to the transcription start site; targets from L1 stage ChIP-seq data are underlined)

Targeting: no-data

Targeted by: CEH-31, CEH-34, FKH-10, NFYA-1, SPTF-1, UNC-42, FKH-8, IRX-1, TBX-2, UNC-86